Dr. Jay Rothman

Facilitation Mentor and Action Research Consultant (HUJI)
Jay Rothman, Ph.D. is a scholar-practitioner of creative conflict engagement. He focuses his theoretical and applied work on issues of intergroup Identity-Based Conflict and Cooperation and Action Evaluation. He is the President of the ARIA Group, Inc. (www.ariagroup.com).
He has held many academic positions most recently as a researcher at The Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations at Hebrew University (current), as Associate Professor in the Program on Conflict Management, Resolution and Negotiation at Bar Ilan University (2012-2018), and at the University of Cincinnati as Visiting Distinguished Professor (2008-2011).
He is the author of dozens of journal articles about conflict resolution and participatory evaluation and of four previous books, including most recently, Rothman, J. (2018). Re-Envisioning Conflict Resolution: Vision, Action and Evaluation in Creative Conflict Engagement. London: Routledge and From Identity-Based Conflict to Identity-Based Cooperation (Springer, 2012).